
Justin & Meredith Winokur's Kitchen Cooking Notebook

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About KitchenKatalog -- back to top

Just was originally trained as a physicist at Carnegie Mellon where the value of a lab notebook was instilled strongly. This is the embodiment of that for cooking. The posts may be as little as "we made this" or more detailed with recipes. All recipes and guides used are also copied for posterity (and password protected. Username guest and the password is the name of our boston terrier).

Meredith was there from Day 1 and has come to appreciate, maybe even enjoy (??) this resource.

I used to run KitchenKatalog on a self-hosted Wordpress which was great since it offered many advanced tools. Wordpress is one of, if not the, most popular blogging and CMS engines. It has a large community with frequent updates.

However, it is also a large target to hackers. Even when I kept my installation up-to-date, any plugins, etc could open me up to attacks. And it kept happening. I was fed up with the time and annoyance (and sometimes money) of dealing with it.

Finally, I got tired of it and decided to write my own server. After exporting and converting the old site to Markdown, I made a static server in Python. Fast forward 4 versions, lots of time and learning, and the site is now entirely dynamic and (optionally) web based.

It isn't pretty, but it does work pretty well.

Kitchen Katalog -- back to top

Justin and Meredith Winokur's kitchen "lab notebook".

All copied recipes are password protected. Username is guest and the password is the name of our late Boston Terrier.