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Crab and Reverse Seared Steak Saturday, December 25, 2021, 07:03 PM


This was supposed to be our Christmas Eve dinner but got pushed to Christmas.

I made Reverse Seared Steak [Serious Eats] with NY Strip. I got three steaks at Trader Joes and let the sit on the tray overnight. I baked them in the toaster oven, initially at 250°F but I eventually moved it down to 220°F to slow it down. At 125°F internal, I did the reverse sear.

For the sear, I used the cast iron and carbon steel on the grill with a clove of garlic and lots of butter.

It was chewy and not very good!. Very disappointing. However, it looked cooked perfectly making me really think this was just not great steak to start. It was pretty inexpensive and I didn't check the grade. Oh well. I would try the method again but with much better steaks.

We also had steamed crab. Not much to say about it except that they are delicious!

And roasted sweet potatoes (~1 hr) with [fake] butter and salt. And finally, our favorite green beans.

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