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Shepherd's Pie Sunday, February 19, 2017, 08:52 PM


We made Shepherd's Pie (along with a ton of prep ahead stuff) for dinner. It was pretty standard but with some different veggies. We made the beef with ground beef (in a bit of butter). We took the beef out and sautéed an onion, a bell pepper, and then later two yellow squashes. We then added frozen peas (which is part of the "recipe", not that there is one).

We seasoned it with salt, pepper, oregano, garlic powder, onion powder and lots of 21 seasoning salute.

Meredith did most of the mashed potatoes. She used greek yogurt, salt,garlic powder (a lot), a little bit of butter, and scallions.

It came out really good. As with last time, it looked like it was all meat but when cooked and served, it actually seemed like mostly potato.

Either way, it was great comfort food but pretty healthy (4 oz potato and 2.6 oz of beef per serving)! We should keep it in mind more since it made 6 servings so we have lunches too!

The beef mixture Ready for the oven

Tags: beef, potato

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