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Meatball Marsala


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I made meatball Marsala with butternut squash noodles. I used the Smitten Kitchen "Every Day" (book) via Shutterbean (LOCAL[@rev]) recipe with only minor changes as noted below.

I was a bit worried about making an alcohol-based meal, but the very first step is simmering down all of the Marsala which I read actually cooks out the alcohol. I looked up other "traditional" marsalas and they have you degalze the pan after mushrooms and cook down so this wasn't to far off.

I followed the recipe pretty closely except I doubled it. Some minor changes were for the meatballs. It was:

For the sauce, I used whole milk instead of cream and I cooked down the Marsala in the same pan as I used for the onions so there were some flakes in there but other than that, I stayed pretty true to the recipe.

I also used a mix of butternut squash noodles and pasta. I took the top of the butternut squash and microwaved it for 1 min (as per 2017-10-23[@rev]). I also used the rest of Zucchette from 2017-10-04[@rev].

Overall, we really liked it. I felt fine about how cooked down the marsala was but you could still really taste it. And, while there is a lot of butter, MyFitnessPal estimates it at about 450 cal/serving (with 3 servings in the recipe) without pasta. Not amazing, but not too bad either.

The meatballs were also pretty good. Surprisingly moist but we also know they are 100% cooked since I did it in the oven.

Stirring in the broth after making the roux Had to move to a bigger pot. Simmering the meatballs (though they were already fully cooked)