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Hamentashen Dough


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Cream butter and sugar. Add eggs, one at a time until well blended. Add flavorings.

Combine dry ingredients and add to the creamed mixture. Blend well.

Chill the dough if you can. Take a quarter of the dough at a time and leave the rest in the fridge. Flour your counter and the rolling pin and even the dough if necessary. Roll out dough. Cut into circles (I use a pint glass) and add filling (see below). Fold into 3 sided cookie. I fold up two sides into a point, then pull up the third side (I use a bench scraper to get up the edges). These cookies spread a small bit so leave room.

Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Watch and catch them when they just start to brown a bit. They are best NOT really well browned.

Suggested fillings:

Poppy seed filling (muhn) - a funny story with this. Some say this is THE traditional version because it's a pun... instead of Hamen - tashen, which means "Hamen's pockets," poppyseed or muhn in yiddish makes it Ha - mun - tashen, which means "the poppy seed pockets."

Prune filling mixed with coconut, chopped nuts, honey, and raisins) - this is the classic.

Cranberry chutney - this is a very strange cookie but it's interesting!

Any other filling will do, but it needs to be a heavy-ish filling. Best if it holds it's shape well so add coconut or nuts to other fillings to add bulk to them.

JWinokur Note2014-03-18:Meredith and I made these on 2014-03-16[@rev]using coconut oil. See that post for more information

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