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Beef Kheema and Samosa


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Meredith and I made the Indian dish Beef Kheema from this recipe (LOCAL[@rev]). It was okay. We did some substitutions but overall, it tasted a bit like taco meat. Probably too much cumin. Definitely something we will revisit. Also, modified it to make it healthier (no butter, etc). Served over brown rice.

We also made the baked whole wheat samosa[@rev] again but with some changes to the recipe and method. To the recipe, we added garam masala (which we did last time too) and much more salt. For shaping, we tried a new method Meredith read about. We combined two servings worth of dough and made a big circle (or as close as possible). Then, cut that in half. With the semi circle, we folded it over and crimped the cut ends together. Then we stuffed it, stretched the dough over, and crimped that closed. It looks more authentic and different.

Finally, a good note for dough: rather than use the food processor then the dough hook, which makes a mess and takes longer, and rather than just use the dough hook, which doesn't work well and is slow, I used the beater blade (cookie blade) with the mixer to combine and then, after it was doughy, I switched to the hook to knead. Much faster, lower cleanup and more effective.

Points (per person):

Kheema (4 oz/beef per serving + peas, pam, etc)...5

Brown Rice (1/2 cup raw)...3

Samosa...2 each...4

Not bad for a good amount of food.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 331, 2010-09-08_224258