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Moussaka Friday, September 10, 2010, 11:25 AM


Meredith and I made moussaka roughly based of this recipe but with extra lean ground beef instead of lamb. It was very good but took a long time. We also cut down on some of the points. For example, for the béchamel (the recipe doesn't call it that but it is), we used fake butter stuff (smart balance I think), and skim milk with whole wheat flour. In the future we may try with evaporated milk. We also used egg beaters when appropriate. Finally, we salted the eggplant before broiling to remove some of the sourness. Also, as is usual, we adjusted the seasonings to taste. Oh, and less tomato.

It was very good but did take a long time. Also, as usual, we had trouble cutting something like this as can be seen below. The points are below that. It was pretty low for the entire thing.

1.1 lb extra lean ground beef...17

4 small potatoes...6

2 cups skim milk ...4

Tbsp fake butter ...1

Whole wheat flour...1.5

Egg beaters ...0.5

Whole thing...30. Made over 4 servings!

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