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Crab Cakes, Broccoli, Guacamole and Bread Sunday, September 12, 2010, 10:28 PM


The crab cakes were made with greek yogurt instead of mayo. I think I put too much in because they were slightly mushy. I also used a bunch of spices including garlic powder, cayenne pepper, onion powder, some old bay and a bunch of others. There was also pre sautéed onions. Also some egg beaters and ground fiber one bread crumbs. In addition to a bit too much greek yogurt, I also think some larger chuncks would have been better. That is due to both the crab and the amount I mixed it. I then broiled them, flipped and kept broiling until they were done. Half way through the first side, I moved the rack closer to get some more crisp.

The broccoli was just steamed and the bread was from earlier in the day. We had a avocado going so Meredith made a small amount of guacamole. It was very good.

Points for crab cake (made 6 +1 slightly smaller):

1 lb crab...7 (from the nutritional label)

greek yogurt 1.5


Not bad for 7 cakes.

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