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Greek Chicken, Tzatziki and Butternut Squash Saturday, September 18, 2010, 12:09 AM


The chicken is very loosely based on this but modified for much less chicken and with less oil. Also, I used tender pieces. After marinading and putting on a stick. I used the griddler. First on medium to cook it and then on high to get the lines. Next time, I should reverse that order. Put them on and then turn it down. I also flipped them half way so that the uneven pieces still get cooked.

The tzatziki was a seeded (really, deseeded) cucumber, 0% Greek yogurt, garlic, lemon juice and dill. It came out a bit watery. We added extra yogurt to counter that and then extra dill for flavor. Needs improvement still. I do not know that exact (if there was one) recipe that was used.

The squash doesn't really go but I wanted to use it up. It was roasted in the oven wit salt, pepper and oregano or rosemary (depending on the tray). They were all very good! Will do again.

We also had whole wheat pitas (store bought, but I want to make them in the future)

Points are less exact in this but probably around 3-4 for the chicken, 3 for the squash (maybe 4 or 5). The tzatziki was low. The pitas were 2 for the first and 3 after that.

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