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Scallops over Pasta...and then Tilapia Wednesday, September 29, 2010, 09:05 PM


I read a few scallops recipes and then kind of did my own thing. I first made some canadian bacon. Then I sautéed/seared scallops in the pan. After taking them out, I added fresh minced garlic and scallions with white wine. After it reduced a bit, I added the bacon pieces cut on and the scallops. Served it over pasta.

The pasta and the sauce from the reduction with the bacon were really good. A lot of flavor and very tasty. But, for some reason the scallops were just flavorless! I do not think it had to do with how I cooked them. I just think we did not get good scallops for one reason or another. So, instead of eating flavorless scallops, I quickly made my backup quick dish.

I sprayed frozen tilapia with butter pam, and sprinkled Montreal Chicken seasoning. After wrapping in cling wrap, I microwaved it. It is so easy, tasty and really fast. A four minute main meal. I didn't take a picture.

Points (per person)



Scallops...about 2-4 (didn't finish them)

1/2 tilapia piece...1.5

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