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Pad Thai Thursday, September 30, 2010, 09:43 PM


We tried to make a healthier version of Pad Thai based off a HG recipe from the emails on September 21, 2010 and off this. We basically used the latter with the shirataki noodles suggested by HG. We also significantly cut the peanuts and the peanut oil. Also, we used egg beaters and chicken instead of real eggs and shrimp

It was okay. Not great. I think you can only make pad thai so healthy. For example, peanut oil has a lot of flavor and by cutting it, we lost some of that. Also, I do not know about the tamarind sauce. It was very tangy. Maybe next time we will go with the HG version entirely. Also, the actual flavor from the peanuts were lost entirely but still contributed to the points. :-(

I can only really get a rough point count but I think it is something like the following for two servings:



Peanut Oil...4

Other stuff...2-3

Shirataki...2 (yes, they are very low!)

So, I guess 8-10 or so per person isn't awful. More experimentation to come. Especially because Meredith really likes Pad Thai and I want to get it right.

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