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Patatas Bravas, Salmon Burgers and Onion Marmalade Tuesday, October 05, 2010, 10:15 PM


The patatas bravas recipe was from this site. It was pretty good. And spicy. We used hot, smoked paprika which really added some spice. It was served over potatoes which was a mix of yukon gold, some purple kind (I forget the name) and some others. We got the mix at TJ's.

The Salmon burgers were the normal with Trader Joes 21 Seasoning Salute (like Mrs Dash). I didn't want a salty seasoning so that sounded good. And, I made onion marmalade to put on top. I caramelized 1.5 onions and added a packet of splenda. I then used balsamic vinegar and Orange Muscat Champagne Vinegar from Trader Joe's (a lot of TJ's in this meal). It was really good. I ate the leftover with a fork (and hopefully, I will not smell too much later)

The potatoes were about 4 each, and each salmon was 4 each. Two burgers was more than enough for 1 person (for future reference).

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