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Sugar Pumpkin Chili and Pumpkin Pie Friday, November 05, 2010, 03:45 PM


The chili is based on this recipe. It was pretty good. Of course, we used a sugar pumpkin that looks similar and tastes close. We added extra tomato and other seasonings because there was so much pumpkin. I liked it a lot. And, I think the points were pretty low. It is really hard to calculate because I do not know how to count the sugar pumpkin. Is it butternut squash pumpkin. There was a 1/2 cup of quinoa too. There was a huge amount! It also burned the bottom of the pan but I was eventually able to get that off.

The pumpkin was entirely thrown together. I made a crust by blending the cinnamon toast crunch fiber one stuff with some extra splenda. I added almond milk to bring it all together. For the filling, I added some almond milk, splenda, pumpkin pie spice, ginger, cinnamon and nutmeg. I then added a bit of egg beaters. It wasn't too bad considered how thrown together it was but could have been worse.


As I said above it was really hard to calculate but I figure around 3-5 for a serving of the chili and maybe three for the whole pie.

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