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Curry Shrimp, Broccoli, Zucchini and Sweet Potato. All Grilled Sunday, November 21, 2010, 09:19 AM


This was a great meal on many levels. First of all, it was our first time using a real grill instead of the griddler. Our new apartment has a few grills and picnic tables for use so we brought down all the food plus place settings and drinks. It was a lot of fun.

Anyway, for the shrimp, we made a marinade by putting some red curry paste into chicken stock (water and bouillon stuff). We then added minced and powdered garlic, some other seasonings and a tad of peanut oil. After letting the shrimp marinade for a long time, we skewered them and brushed the sauce on them while grilling. They really absorbed the flavor. We will probably try making other curry-type things with a similar marinade.

For the broccoli, we but it up, added garlic powder, crushed red pepper, salt, pepper and 21 seasoning salute. We made that into a foil pouch. The zucchini was just salt, pepper and garlic powder.

Meredith did the sweet potato so I do not remember exactly what it was, but she cut it in half, put some smart balance, cinnamon, a bit of honey and something else on it. Then she closed that and wrapped it in aluminum foil. We pre-microwaved the potatoes a bit to it would cook fully.They were really good. I wish we made more!

Actually, all of the veggies were over done but that was fine with me. I like them like that and they were still good.

Points (each)

Shrimp (-1/2 lb)...5


Sweet Potato (1/2)...1 (maybe 2)

Sweet Potato stuff...1

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