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Eggplant Parmesan, Brussels Sprouts and Cheese Sticks Sunday, November 21, 2010, 11:07 PM


We fiber-one fried graffiti eggplant and baked it for a while. After it was done, we smeared the plate with sauce, put the eggplant on, then coated it with provolone cheese. We then put the whole thing back in the oven while the Brussels sprouts were finishing.

The brussels sprouts were pretty standard except for we had some chopped chestnuts on them. They were un-roasted and all making them a bit hard to crack. And, some, but not all, became way too hard in the oven. Still, it was something different. I wouldn't rush to add them again though

Finally the mozzarella sticks were like we did before but they were really an afterthought because we had leftover stuff for fiber one frying.

Points (per person):

Eggplant Parm:




Misc, include fiber-one...1


4 for the eggplant

Cheese Sticks: Around 2 for half of them

Brussels Sprouts: Zero for them and not sure about the nuts but we ate very little of them,

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 691, 2010-11-21_230728

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