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Steak and Celeriac Smashed Potatoes Wednesday, December 08, 2010, 09:23 AM


First the steak. I do not know much about buying steak so I just looked for a really lean looking cut that was not extremely expensive (tenderloin). Well, it was not good! It was very chewy and overcooked. To sum up Meredith's view, "it tasted too much like steak." On the bright side, it was lean and we had small portions.

The Celeriac Smashed Potatoes were much more interesting. Celeriac is celery root. We cut it up and boiled it along with the potatoes (though we put it in first because it needs more time). After everything was soft, we smashed them and added a bunch of seasonings, a bit of smart balance, etc to make it close to mashed potatoes, but healthier. I do not know the exact points but it was around a pound of potatoes and not much other stuff.

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