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Funky Spinach Salad, Tomatoes and Butternut Squash Soup Monday, December 13, 2010, 10:21 PM


First the salad. This was what we call a "Funky Salad." It was spinach (Meredith doesn't really like lettuce), with two cans of tuna fish, an apple, some raisins (not much), some sunflower seeds, tomatoes and pickled jalapeƱos. We also put a bit of cheese on it but not much. I had mine with FF catalena. It was really good and low in points. See later

The soup was just butternut squash. I was trying to use the rest of the chicken base so it was a bit too strong. It was definitely good but not the best butternut soup ever.

Finally, the tomatoes were because they were going to go bad. They had nothing fancy. Just a mix of Orange Muscatt Vinegar and regular Balsamic. Then I sprinkled some dried basil on them. Like garlic powder, dried basil does not taste like real basil but it still has a nice flavor.

The points (plus) for this meal were really low. It made like four or more servings and I am taking more for lunch.

Whole thing (points Plus):


Tuna (based on the label amounts), both cans...5.5



Like I said, a very low meal. The biggest point source was the salad dressing.

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