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Chicken Florentine (ish), Beet Greens and Stroganoff


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The beet greens were sautéed with garlic and garlic powder and then topped with fat free (maybe light?) feta. We cooked the stems first and then added the greens.

The chicken was me just winging it. I pounded down tenders and then when flat, I sprayed them with spray butter. I then put a few spinach leaved on them and then sprayed again. I then sprinkled 1/3 less fat parmesan cheese. I folded them over and then quickly dipped them in whole wheat flour and parm cheese mix (mostly flour). I sautéed them but when I flipped them, I added a bit of white wine and covered the pan. They were good.

We also had a stroganoff thing that you just add water. Actually, you are supposed to also add milk but I just water. Even though stroganoff is supposedly creamy, it was low in calories. Also, we added some of our home-made greek yogurt which taste like sour cream (will write about it later). That was a nice touch. The stroganoff is not in the picture.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 934, 2011-01-31_200051