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Sloppy Joes and Green Bean Casserole Sunday, July 24, 2011, 12:03 PM



This was not a good meal. We made sloppy joes starting from the normal recipe. Note that it calls for 1 lbs of beef and we used about 2/3rds of a pound. Then, we did the normal ketchup but we also had leftover sauce from the pizza. I didn't think to lower the ketchup and I threw that in. Oops. It tasted like sweet, extra meaty, tomato sauce. And, it burned on the bottom. Just not great. Serving them on a pretzel roll was, however, delicious.

We tried to make a green been casserole. I do not know what recipe Meredith followed but it was basically a can of condensed cream of mushroom (we use a 96% fat free and low sodium version), some skim milk, and canned green beans. Normally you top it with fried onion but we used toasted multi-grain bread. Besides the fact that the beans were extra cheap and had a bunch of stems, the casserole didn't congeal. Not a great meal :-(

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