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Stuffed Poblanos and Tomato-Zucchini Tian


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The main meal was the stuffed poblanos which we did about a year ago[@rev]. Meredith did most of this so I do not know exactly, but I think we followed the same recipe except a lot less tomato sauce as we stated lasted time. They were very good except they needed more salt. I am copying the recipe below since I didn't last time.

The side dish was called Tomato-Zucchini Tian. We followed the recipe (copied below) except we didn't have eggplant so we skipped that part. We also didn't really have Herbs de Provence so we looked it up and just sprinkled the top (haphazardly) with

It was very, very good. I really liked it all cooked together. Maybe it was just us, but this also needed more salt. I also used yellow squash intermixed with tomatoes. While the dish was great, what was not great was dropping the soapy dish while cleaning it and shattering the ceramic (sad!!!)

Stuffed Poblanos (from Shutterbean)

Local Copy [@rev]-- password is the name of my dog, all lower case

Tomato-Zucchini Tian (From Lanas Cooking)

Local Copy[@rev] -- password is the name of my dog, all lower case

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1326, 2011-08-02_141250