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Seasoned Baked fries and Chicken Quesadilla Monday, September 19, 2011, 11:46 AM



I was just cooking for myself with this. For the fries, I cut the potatoes and put them in a bowl. I put some olive oil in and then added hot (but not smoked) paprika, salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder and finally, adobo powder. I spread them out and cooked at 400 for about 45 minutes. They probably could have been cooked less.

For the quesadilla, I used the griddler to grill chicken. For the chicken, I just sprayed some pam and then put on quesadilla Emril Essence. I cooked them for a while, perhaps too long. Afterwards, I slided the chicken and made the quesadilla with a few slices of cheese, and crumbled goat cheese. As far as go, this was very light on the cheese. It was a bit strange mixing the flavors but altogether, not bad. I then grilled them on the same griddler pans as the chicken. That gave it a bit more flavor as well.

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