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Cows in a Blanket Tuesday, December 13, 2011, 04:23 PM



I am writing this about a week later. Anyway, this was the idea we came up with when we started to figure out what to eat around 9:00. We needed something really fast and we had little in the fridge. We did have some low-fat crescent rolls and the really low fat hot-dogs. We cut the hot dogs in half and rolled them into the rolls. It wasn't until they were in the oven that we realized the rolls expired about 6 months ago but we decided to eat them anyway. (thankfully, we are still alive to tell the tale)

The points plus was actually not as bad as I expected when we first thought of the idea. We each had 4 rolls made with 2 hot dogs. It was 2.5 points/roll and 3 for all the hotdogs so only 13/person. Not too bad as the only dinner item. Certainly not a well balanced meal but fine for what time we had.

Since the hot-dogs are hebrew national, it feels wrong calling the meal "pigs in a blanket," hence, "cows in a blanket"

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