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We made a beef and vegetable chili (and a lot of it). We used about 2/3 lbs of beef, two 28oz cans of tomatoes, a can of black beans, an onion, and a can of hominy. The hominy was strange but good. To make a chili powder, we first ground up two large dried ancho chilies and one small but jolokia (hottest pepper in the world), We deseeded both to ensure that we didn't make it too hot. We also added cayenne, oregano and some other seasonings. I am honestly not sure if we did cumin or not (I'll ask Meredith). We also used this to kind of clean out the fridge. So, we put some mini bell peppers and some artichokes (strange) into it as well. I do not remember what else.

It was already very thick so we simmered it covered so it wouldn't reduce too much more. We let it simmer for about 30 minutes. The chili was very good. It had a nice kick but it wasn't too bad. And, we had ample leftover for lunch! As you can see, we served it with some sliced avocado, 2% cheese and greek-yogurt. We also had some sliced green onion

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1798, 2012-02-08_123419