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Zucchini Fritters and Grilled Shrimp


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First, the Zucchini Fritters: We used the standard recipe[@rev], again adding some cayenne, garlic powder, onion powder and other spices. I even put a _tiny_bit of dill. I did the usual pressing of the zucchini to get it really dry. Even though I pammed the pan really well, I had to really scrape to get them up to flip. The trick it to use the sharpest and thinnest spatula to scrape them up and flip. Doing that worked! They were really good. Next time I make them, I want to try to remember to grate the onion with the zucchini so I do not have to finely chop it. I meant to do it this time, but forgot.

I made the shrimp by putting them on the griddler from frozen. For future reference, this is not a good way to do it. Even with a low enough heat, they overcook to get the inside fully done. They shrink into tiny, overcooked shrimp. And, since they do not lie perfectly flat when frozen, they cook unevenly. Finally, since you cannot skewer them, they are hard to flip and check on (they stuck to the lid). Oh well, It was worth a shot. I also brushed the shrimp with a mixture of lemon juice, lime juice, seasonings and water before and right after putting them on the grill.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1895, 2012-04-04_103204