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Meatloaf and corn Wednesday, July 04, 2012, 11:18 AM



I made meatloaf (or more correctly, meat loaflets) based on a few different recipes. I have never made meatloaf so I didn't really know what I was doing. I read a bunch of recipes and decided to base it on the one below but with lots more seasonings.

It is a bit strange since it uses oatmeal instead of bread crumbs. This is easier and saves having to make bread crumbs. Also, it is pretty healthy compared to bread crumbs.

Other than that, I also used some sriracha and a tablespoon of worcestershire (which almost every other recipe except this one calls for. Oh, and I cut it a bit to use only 2/3 lbs of beef.

It was pretty good. I made it into meat loaflets using a cupcake pan. Note to self, that I didn't need to cook it so long since it was smaller. I would do it again!

I also had corn which I just cooked with the husk in the oven for 30 minutes at 350.

Meatloaf ["Super Healthy"] (from A Small Snippet)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 2091, 2012-07-04_111835

Tags: beef, corn, recipes

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