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Carrot Pudding again Sunday, December 09, 2012, 10:13 AM


I made the carrot pudding again. I didn't have enough carrots so I cut it and kept most of the other stuff. Again, below is a list of what I did and maybe I'll add some more notes on the way.

For the most part, it was good, but I do not think it was as good as last time. Maybe I was just less excited about it. I think that next time, I may use half sugar and half splenda to give it a more real feel. I also used less butter. I think that is okay, but it is a bit less rich. Maybe I 'll try about 45 grams next time. I originally cut the splenda, but I added two more packets (back to a total of 18)..

I am not sure if I taste the other spices. I will probably keep them to see if I get the same flavors. I tried to cut the milk, but I chickened out as the carrots absorbed it all immediately and I was worried about it burning

Also, I had a good idea: I want to try half beets and half carrots. It should work fine or even better as beets have a lot of natural sugar too.

Oh, and I combined all of the spices first then added them (Except the baking powder which I forgot and added after the others).


Cook for 15 minutes (of VENTING, not total). Then do a quick (not water) release

Then cook on medium for 10 minutes. (I timed it to a good texture)

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