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Falafel Monday, March 25, 2013, 08:45 PM



I made falafel based on my regular recipe. I again went very heavy on the cilantro and parsley. I also went very heavy on the crushed red pepper. Though I forgot the salt but that was fine. The real breakthrough was using the food processor (using pulse) to break up the chickpeas and bring it all together. The worked really, really well to mix it and save my having to crush the chick peas.

But it made it very, very wet. I had to add a bit more flour. It was still very wet. I cooked it for 15 minutes as directed but when I flipped them, I let them go for 30 minutes (2x the recipe) to get them to dry out more. They flattened a lot and gave a strange shape as you can see. That worked fine but I need to plan for the timing.

They were really good. I liked them more than the previous ones and they were so easy (at least compared to the old way).

I also made steamed asparagus. Pretty standard.

Point wise was pretty low.

1 can chick peas...9

1/4 flour...3

1 tsp Olive Oil...1


13 for the whole thing isn't bad!

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 3350, 2013-03-25_204526

Tags: vegan

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