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Sautéed Curry Cauliflower and soup Monday, July 29, 2013, 08:21 PM



I wasn't overly hungry and I had had a bit of a snack at work before I left so I wanted something light and low points. I made sautéd curry cauliflower. I didn't want to make the normal oven cauliflower things since they take a 450 degree oven for a while and I didn't want to heat the apartment. So instead, I cut a head up into pieces, tossed it with some canola oil, added curry powder, salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and cooked it on a hot cast iron pan. I had the pan at level 7/10 and I kept tossing the cauliflower for a bit then letting it sit to get some brown spots. It took more than 20 minutes but it came out pretty well. Not quite as good as the oven roasted but a lot faster and less residual heat.

I also heated a thing of Trader Joes frozen soup

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