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Spinach and Mushroom Omelet and Home Fries


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I had potatoes, spinach and mushrooms all getting ready to go bad. So I decided to make this. I made the home fries like I used to. I thinly chopped the potatoes, microwaved them for a bit, and then cooked them on the skillet, tossing very often and pamming as needed. As they got more cooked, I eventually added salt, pepper and rosemary. I kept tossing as they cooked.

In the meantime, I finely chopped some mushrooms and cooked them in the pan, adding a bit of sherry as it cooked down. I then added spinach and let it wilt. (and then added more). I took the stuff out of the pan, I cooked the egg and then put the mushroom and spinach stuff back onto the egg. I then added a bit more spinach and cheese. I cooked them in the broiler until finished

Overall, it was okay. The eggs definitely needed more salt and flavor. I guess eggs can be pretty boring and I should have been more prepared for that. Next time I'll add more flavor to it.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6631, 2013-09-16_203839