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I made Snickerdoodles from the recipe below taken out of one of my Dad's recipe books. I used to make them with the recipe when I was much younger so I decided to use it again.

I followed the recipe pretty closely except I used Wolfram Alpha to convert 3.5 cups flour to 17 ounces and 2 cups sugar to 14 ounces. I also just mixed all of the dry ingredients into the wet slowly at the end.

I made big ones since it was supposed to make 35 to 40 but only made 28. I forgot how much they spread. Some stuck a bit but I was able to separate them. I'll do smaller ones and more batches next time. They tasted pretty good. Some were a bit too cooked but still tasted fine.

They were very good. Nice flavors rich taste. I'd make them again if I have a need to.

Snickerdoodles (from ???)

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Original Wordpress ID and Date: 6715, 2013-09-27_143055