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Imitation Crab Fresh Rolls and Spaghetti Squash Monday, February 03, 2014, 10:36 AM



I made fresh rolls and spaghetti squash. First the rolls since that was the bigger thing. I made a bunch for lunch and dinner the next few days. I filled them with sautéd kale, julienne cucumber, julienne carrots and imitation crab. I finely chopped the kale so it was small pieces. And I deseeded the cucumber, but I do not think that was needed. I used a new trick to the paper. Since they are so large, I filled a tray with water and I used that to wet the rice paper. These came out pretty good. Lots of veggies! They took a bit longer to prep and make than I would have liked but it wasn't too bad.

In the background, I made spaghetti squash with sauce. The sauce was a combination leftover pizza sauce from the other day and fresh home-made sauce. I tried something different too. I put a can of tuna in for protein and a different flavor. That was a mistake. It wasn't_bad _per se, but it was strange! Oh well.

The nice thing about this meal is that it made a large dinner portion and a few lunches! And the rolls were pretty. See the pictures below.

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