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Lentil Moussaka


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20140218-090804.jpgI made the pretty standard Lentil Moussaka[@rev] at Meredith's. I had a bit trouble with the eggplant because (a) I had to slice it by hand so it was perfectly even and (b), I had to use a gas broiler drawer which I am not used to.

It came out really good. One thing I did was to actually use the parmesan cheese that is suggested. I think that helped a lot. I also did the béchamel with two real eggs instead of 3 egg beaters. I also added a tiny bit extra almond milk and flour to make a bit extra sauce.

I also went heavy on the lentils because I was going to make extra sauce but I ended up not doing it. This made the sauce a bit thicker than usual.

I do not know why, but this held together better than usual. You can see we were able to get real slices out of it.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7473, 2014-02-17_230822