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Roasted Green Beans and Sautéed Shrimp Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 04:04 PM



I made a pretty simple meal. I roasted two (!!) pounds of french green beans. I tossed them with a little bit of olive oil then (too much) Penzeys Sandwich Sprinkle. I simply roasted them for 15 minutes at 450. This was a lot easier than sautéing! Next time, I will go much lighter on the seasonings.It was very salty. I like using the french green beans from Costco since you don't really have to cut off the stems.

I also sautéed about 2/3 lbs of shrimp with a little bit of olive oil and some salt, pepper, crushed red pepper, and garlic powder. The shrimp were not shelled as I had thought but I just pealed them while I ate. They were pretty good though maybe a bit overdone.

Not a lot to this meal except a large mass of green beans.About 20 minutes total and much of that time was passive!

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 7680, 2014-03-18_160435

Tags: green_beans, roasted_vegetables, shrimp

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