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Chicken Cabbage Stir Fry Wednesday, March 19, 2014, 07:08 PM



I made a chicken-cabbage stir-fry of sorts. It was actually inspired by the egg rolls last week.

I started by making shredded chicken. In the past, I pressure cooked it but this time, I just poached it. I used ~2/3 lbs of chicken. Most sites said to simmer for 10 minutes and let it sit in the water for another 10-15. That is basically what I did with broth (Osem since its easy) with additional spices

While the chicken simmering, I chopped half a head of cabbage, half a bunch of dino kale, and two small carrots. Once it was finished poaching, I sautéed 1/2 an onion in a bit of olive oil. I then added 4 cloves of chopped garlic and a good amount of grated ginger.

I added all of the veggies then a bit of the poaching liquid to steam and wilt the green. I added some oyster sauce, sriracha, teriyaki sauce (the thin stuff, not Soy Vey) and a few other seasonings.

I used the mixer to shred the chicken and added that.

Overall, it was actually really good. It made a decent amount of food with a lot of food. The oyster sauce smelled pretty bad but actually tasted fine in the mix.

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