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Garden Salad Rolls Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 02:23 PM



I made salad rolls (Meredith and I decided to call them Garden Rolls but these were, quite literally, made of salad).

My fillings (see photo below) were:

I did the hardboiled eggs using the boil-the-sit method. I read a few different sites [1,2, 3] that all suggested roughly the same thing. Cover eggs with 1-2 inches cold water, bring to a boil, cover and let sit based on how you want it cooked. Some also suggested salt (to make peeling easier) and vinegar (to minimize damage to cracked eggs). I did that too. How long to let it sit seems to be a bit different but I went with 9 minutes. Anyway, when they were finished I dunked them into ice water.

I basically made salad rolls with the fillings. On the first and last, I put some vinegar on ahead of time. For the middle two, I just rolled sans vinegar. But for all of them, I dipped in a small bowl of the vinegar.

The ones without vinegar were easier to roll and eat but weren't as good. All of them though, came out to be a pretty good meal! Good textures and pretty standard flavors. I would do these again. Oh, and I also had a small serving of popcorn


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