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Balsamic Broccoli with Seitan Friday, May 16, 2014, 09:45 PM



I made Balsamic Broccoli using the seitan logs. I used the regular recipe as a base and kind of just winged it with some of the additions. I will note though that I had the sugar-free version of the dressing and that was a Big Mistake! It gave it a very fake and overly-sweet aftertaste. The fat-free (w/ sugar) is only about 50 more calories total and taste a lot better (and isn't fake either. Just doesn't use oil). I still liked it all but Meredith thought the broccoli absorbed too much of the fake flavor.

Also, in the future, I need to barely cook the broccoli before combining it all. It was too mushy since it continues to cook when combining the sauce with it and the meat.

The seitan was pretty good though!

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