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Mango Sorbet (two ways) Thursday, May 22, 2014, 10:30 AM


Breakfast Style (with greek yogurt & Splenda) Dessert Style (Agave nectar)

I was looking at Sorbet at Trader Joes and I got to wondering if it could be done in the food processor since we don't (yet) have a vita-mix :-(

I found this article which basically suggest doing it with just frozen fruit that has been defrosted slightly (about 20 minutes) and then adding sugar syrup. You pulse it at first to chop it and then add the syrup and run it until it is well blended.

I tried this last night with mango for dessert with agave syrup (really earthy flavors. I like this syrup). Anyway, I just did it without really taking notes and it worked really well. It came together nicely and was very sorbet like. (Bottom picture)

I figured that what the syrup did besides sweetening was to add the liquid to bring it all together. This led me to my breakfast sorbet today (top picture).

I took notes and did the following:

Above is the final ingredients. I started with less splenda and no water but it needed a tiny bit more moisture and more sweetness. It was actually really, really good. I would definitely make it again but it was a lot of fruit (and splenda or sugar...neither of which is great) so I wouldn't do it often

I think it came out about as well as it would have from a vita-mix because I used mango and I used a good amount of it. I am guessing here, but I think the vita-mix would have allowed me to make a smaller amount and probably would have handled other fruits better (such as berries). But until we have one, this will suffice for sorbets

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