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Grilled Black Bean Tacos


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I didn't have a lot of food in the house and I needed lunch so I three this together. I started by sautéing 4 garlic cloves in a bit if canola oil. Meanwhile, I microwaved a rinsed can of black beans. Once they were really warm, I added them to the garlic and used the immersion blender to mash most of it.

I layer it out onto two small whole wheat tortillas, pammed both sides, and cooked it until it was crispy.

It was actually a pretty simple meal and it tasted ok. It was a bit dry and really could have used some cheese. The points were essentially 9 for the beans, 4 for the tortilla and 1 or 2 for the oil.

Just to note, these are the small tortillas. They look big in the picture but they are the "Fajita" size

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 8698, 2014-08-19_133528