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White Bean Pesto Sandwiches Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 09:25 PM



I again wanted to make "pesto" sandwiches. I followed the same recipe and idea as last time to make the sauce. The biggest differences was that I used 100% basil (and probably more than it called for). It is the end of the season so we were unabashed about using basil from Meredith's plant. I also went heavier on the olive oil (maybe 1.5 Tbsp) and light on the salt. Finally, I ended up adding more (fresh) lemon juice. My guess is that with the extra basil, it needed to be brightened more than the original recipe.

I assembled the sandwiches (pictured below) with a thick layer of the pesto, sliced deli chicken (2 oz/ sandwich), sliced tomato, sliced pepper and finally some of Meredith's bloody soral. I grilled them in the pan using the stove with a weighted pan on top. Basically what I did with the reubens but using the lessons learned. I used Meredith's big sauté pan (could hold two sandwiches easily) and then my sauté pan with weights since it is smaller and heavier. They grilled nicely. I think the only way to do it on the stove is to have the press. Otherwise, they come apart when you flip them. We made them on rye bread (2 pp/slice).

They were really good! Lots of great flavor from the pesto and the veggies inside. And they grilled nicely. The only thing I would really change is more meat. 2 oz is the bare minimum for a sandwich like this!


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