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Crispy Eggs on Sweet Potato Sausage Hash Friday, October 03, 2014, 11:35 AM



I made breakfast for me, Meredith, and her parents. I made sausage sweet potato hash and crispy eggs.


I had defrosted some breakfast sausage patties and chopped then cooked them on the cast iron. Meanwhile, I chopped and par-cooked the sweet potatoes in the microwave. Once the sausage was finished, I took it out of the pan and added the sweet potatoes (2) and a diced onion plus a bit of oil. I let that cook with a mixture of tossing and then pressing. This was with the cast iron pan with medium (5/10) heat.

I salt and peppered to taste.


I saw this on Smitten Kitchen. I followed her procedure basically. I used a small cast iron pan (made for skillet cookies). Once it was very hot, I added a nice bit of oil and let it get near smoking. I the. Added the egg and slightly reduced the heat. As I did more, I got the technique down. I started to loosely cover with a big lid to help cook the tops. I found 2:30-2:45 was the right amount of time. It also helped that I first cracked the eggs into a small dish.

Cooking on the pan See the crisp layer Eggs are ready

The Crispy Egg (from The Smitten Kitchen)

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