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Divinity Monday, December 22, 2014, 01:55 PM


I do not have any good photos but Meredith and I tried to make divinity from the recipe linked below. It was one of her favorite holiday foods as a child and we thought it'd be fun.

We used the basic recipe but with salted pecans. However, we didn't have enough so we also used some pistachios. The only other real change was to top it with Maldon salt. The salt made it super, super good! It brought out so much flavor.

While the taste was amazing , it didn't work too well. It basically flattened into a big mush. Some pieces had better texture than others but they all were not exactly right.

Some reading has led me to think that there were three possible causes. My guess as to the order of importance was:

We will try again in the future

Divinity (from Paula Deen via The Food Network)

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