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Green Eggs and Lobster Tail on homemade Corn Tortillas Saturday, May 23, 2015, 10:30 PM


We made Green Eggs and Lobster again (as we've done before). We made the paste from the Cilantro Soup recipe but used jalapeƱos for the peppers.

We again started the lobster tails by butterflying them and cooking on the grill pan in the shell. After about 7 minutes, we took it out of the shell and finished them right on the pan (I think the shell adds flavor but who knows)

The real difference is that we made corn tortillas. We used the linked recipe from The Santa Fe School of Cooking book. I followed the recipe pretty exactly. I thought that using wax paper would be better than plastic bags but it didn't work as well. Also, the food processor really didn't make anything easier when it came to combining. I think I may have cooked the tortillas a little bit longer since they were thicker but other than that, there isn't too much to change anyway.

The tortillas came out ok. I think she should have been thinner and with more salt. Also, more round would have helped.

Also, we fried the eggs instead of poaching since it was faster. And had lightly roasted asparagus with smoked salt.

Corn Tortillas (from Santa Fe School of Cooking: Celebrating the Foods of New Mexico [book] )

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