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Miso-Shoyu Quick-Ramen


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Meredith had been playing with the Serious Food Lab Article: "Make Your Own Just-Add-Hot-Water Instant Noodles" so we decided to take it a step further and essentially make quick-ramen. Kind of like our Quick Pho[@rev], there are certainly compromises and the end result isn't (always) as good as a restaurant or the full-blown recipes, but they are close and are_much_ easier. Actually, this quick Ramen was even easier than pho!

Meredith really just did it to taste so I cannot exactly say a recipe, but she made the broth with

Essentially, it is a miso-ramen but since we also used some soy, it can be considered a miso-shoyu ramen. But, miso was the main flavor driver. We also added dry shitaki mushrooms to the broth while it was cooking

For toppings we used some broiled baby bok choy, enoki mushrooms, pickled ginger (very salty kind) and soft-boiled marinated eggs. And, we use real ramen noodles from the asian market.

The eggs gave us some trouble. We started them the day before. We tried to use the steamer method for 6 minutes but they didn't peel well and were way too undercooked. We put those back in for a bit but only managed to save one out of the four (we and/or the dog ate the rest). We tried again to steam for 8-9 minutes. That worked slightly better but not perfectly. We marinated the four eggs in

We didn't have mirin which is why we used the sherry. We also used a paper towel and capillary action to attempt to better fully coat them. The eggs were ok, but there is room for improvement.

Overall, this was really good. Not as "rameny" as a restaurant but we still really enjoyed this. It was kind of like miso soup but no fishiness (no dashi). It didn't have the mouthfeel, stickiness, or smokiness of a tonkatsubased ramen but Meredith considers that a bonus.

We will perfect this recipe and document it better

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 10226, 2015-08-14_220000