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House and BBQ Jerky Sunday, May 08, 2016, 09:03 PM


This is basically a repeat of 2016-04-02. I basically did the same thing but with the cooker on 165.

They got really oily. The meat was supposedly 95% lean (from Whole Foods) but I am not sure. Also, it took a really long time. About 5 hours.

From now on, my rule is that if I am making jerky, it must be in my 4:30pm

Also, I didn't let it cool enough before putting it in the bags in the fridge. They were wet in the morning. I took them out and let it dry a bit and used a new bag.

Interestingly, the BBQ made about 9 oz and the House made 7.75 oz (probably due to the extra liquid to start)

Tags: beef_jerky, ground_beef_jerky, ground_jerky, jerky

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