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Bacon Guacamole Chicken Sunday, May 08, 2016, 08:42 PM


I hate to admit it, but I am kind of a sucker for the video/gif recipes. I saw this one somewhere and it came from Buzzfeed (LOCAL w/ video copy). So we tried to make it.

We didn't use their guac recipe. Meredith just made her own normal one (main thing is cumin in there). We basically halved the recipe except we used the full amount of bacon to make it easier to wrap.

You can see the photos below. I followed the general idea of the recipe though I struggled to get all of the guac in there (though we kept it clean from the chicken so we could snack on it).

The biggest problem was the temperature out of the oven. I ended up doing it about 20+ minuted total (more than double). But other than that, it worked pretty well and was enough of a project for a weekend but too hard.

I would consider it again in the future, but I do not think this comes out a bit unhealthy (probably not too bad).

By the way, I also had the two chicken tenders which I wrapped in bacon and baked.

Chicken stuffed with guac Wrapped and ready In the frying pan Turned to cook on its side Ready to go in the oven

Tags: buzzfeed, chicken, guac

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