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Honey Dijon Balsamic Brussel Sprouts with Tofu Wednesday, November 30, 2016, 07:37 PM


I decided to again try to make roasted brussel sprouts with a good sauce finished on the stove. I basically combined 2016-11-17 and (mostly) 2016-11-02. In the former, I finished them with a sauce on the stove. In the latter I tossed it and roasted it a bit more. I am not sure which method I prefer between the two but I'll keep it in mind for next time.

I made my own recipe based on a few others around. All it all, it was:


Preheat oven to 450°F with pans in the oven. (and with convection)

Toss brussel sprouts with a bit of oil, salt, and pepper. Lay face down and roast for 20-25 minutes (I did 30 this time. it was too much).

Mince garlic with a little bit of salt. Combine honey, mustard, and vinegar.

When the brussel sprouts are near finished, Heat some oil in a big pan and sauté the tofu for a bit. Add the garlic and let it go for a bit then add the brussel sprouts. Add the rest of the sauce and toss.

Comments and thoughts

I am still not sure if I love this idea or recipe. As I mentioned, 30 minutes was too long. The little leaves got a bit burned. And this sauce was ok. Not amazing but also not too bad.

Tags: roasted, vegetarian

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