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Orange Cornmeal Cake Saturday, March 11, 2017, 07:00 PM


Part two of our Mad Science Party entry was an Orange Cornmeal Cake 1 (That is the local copy since the original is behind a login-wall). It was a cool idea but we struggled a bit. You have to make a carmel of sorts and we burned it the first time and gave it another shot. I think the second time was a bit better but, as you can see below, it got pretty burned looking in the oven. It tasted a bit burned but not too bad. I think we did it for about 10-20 minutes too long.

We used Blood oranges for the topping which was theory and before cooking it. I think we would try it again but cook it for less time and maybe a bit lower (could be due to convention?)

It did taste pretty good. Not very sweet but still very good.

The "bottom" The other side, a bit burned

  1. U: guest, P: name of my Boston Terrier 

Tags: mad_science

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