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Sriracha Mac, Cauliflower and Cheese Saturday, April 15, 2017, 04:48 PM


We were bringing a side dish to a friends house and decided to make sriracha mac and cheese with cauliflower. Meredith had made this in the past with all cauliflower, but we decided to do a mix of shells and cauliflower.

We followed Shutterbean (local1) except used less pasta (about 1/2 lbs) and a whole steamed head of cauliflower. We followed the recipe pretty closely except we skipped with green onion. And we used sliced havarti but used about the same amount by weight (maybe a bit more...)

It came out really good! Very indulgent but it had cauliflower so of course it was healthy! In all seriousness, it was good but not the kind of thing we would make very often.

  1. U: guest P: name of my boston terrier 

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