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Moroccan Lemon and Cardamom Skewers Monday, April 24, 2017, 08:23 PM


Meredith found a recipe for Moroccan Lemon and Cardamom Meatballs (local1) except we decided to do it on the grill with skewers instead of meatballs. We actually stayed surprisingly true to the recipe except we used ground turkey instead of lamb, went heavy on everything since we had more meat, and replaced the pine nuts with chopped walnuts. And we just used regular cardamom instead of toasted and fresh ground (and went a little light on it) We also used lite feta but otherwise stayed really true to it.

I thought it was pretty good though I kind of felt like the lemon over powering and I couldn't taste the cardamom. Meredith liked the lemon flavor though. It was also a lot of work, especially for a weekday, but I would consider it again.

  1. U: guest, P: name of my Boston Terrier 

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