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Chicken Satay Wednesday, July 19, 2017, 09:01 PM


Meredith and I made chicken satay. We basically followed the recipe for the marinade, the sauce (easy one) and "relish" from Simple Thai Cooking. We actually followed the recipe pretty closely. I think the only major changes in the chicken were that we marinated it for about 12 hours while at work, and I just used the remaining marinade to brush. I figured it gets cooked enough. And we used orange juice instead of pineapple.

It wasn't clear, but we used low fat (but still canned) coconut milk. Also, the

We didn't use cilantro in the cucumber relish. It could have used a bit more time in there too.

Finally, just to note: we used home grown Thai Chili peppers. They were HOT!

We really liked it. It was pretty easy and delicious. Also it made a lot of extra sauce so next time, we can just defrost it.

Home grown Thai Chili Peppers The chicken

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